Sunday, December 14, 2014


It's been the year of sudden death, and it makes me sad. I heard of another one yesterday, a death leaving in its wake not only unfinished business but unstarted. And there's nothing to say, nothing but cliches, platitudes and falsehoods.

And the year started on a similar note, as word came from a friend that her dear friend had been killed in a bomb blast in Kabul. Someone I had never met and now never would, someone responding to the best impulses in human nature and falling victim to the worst, someone irreplaceable and leaving behind not one vacancy but a hundred or a thousand. Potentialities never to be made concrete.

And more sudden deaths, over the year, public ones, private ones, all different, all the same, and finally the year is coming to a close. And there's nothing to say, and I insist on saying it, when I should just respect the skene and shut the hell up.

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